Sunday, May 28, 2006

umm...that's just it

I really couldn't be bothered to give a boring and totally unrelated but somewhat related title to my dream blog post of today so that will have to suffice.

Concerning the dream last night, it was a rather interesting one. Interesting from the fact that it involved V and me including some few other random people which I have no idea or clue as to how they managed to sneak their way into my dream.

The main part of the dream basically involved V having told me that he liked me in return. I hadn't expressed my part of the liking thing as yet but only after him having said that, then only did I admit it myself. So cliched but it's my dream and I'll dream it how I want it to be!

I can't remember where it took place at but waking from it I actually thought it really happened the night before. It took me a while to get my subconsciousness together and realise the bare facts and hard truth.

A few friends have been asking about us already and the truth is I really don't know what's going to happen or what is happening even now. I don't know if I want to make it happen or if he wants to as well. But I shall leave all this meanderings and ponderings to my actual daily or somewhat daily slash weekly blog.

Happy dreams to all who reads this!

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