Saturday, November 04, 2006

thrice the luck

Third time's the charm? Not necessarily.

I don't know how much more lucky I can get to actually have a third dream with the same guy on three consecutive dream nights (Not in three days but just the same guy in every dream since the last one).

I can't even recall what last night's one was about but it was definitely taking place in college with a few other random people except that the only person I could remember was him. The topic was vaguely revolving around religion and Christianity and what makes a devout and true Christian.

Like does not going to church every Sunday make one less of a Christian and hence you're losing your faith in the Lord? Is one's faith measured by the perseverence of prayers and longstanding-ness in church and how much you contribute to it? Does reading the bible every night bring one closer to the Lord? How does one quantify a person's faith in their own religion (whether it is Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, or Hinduism)? Can it be measured in the first place?

And does it help that the guy is an atheist.

All this just three days before the first day of my finals. Screw this shit.