Sunday, June 03, 2007

questions (un)answered

How do you know if you really know a person?

Even when it's only been less than two months or so.

Would it mean more significant if you started having dreams about him/her?

If that dream came about because you managed to will yourself into dreaming about him/her.

Does it say something about yourself when you begin missing him/her even before he/she has left?

When you purportedly started a tiny chain of meetings that you know he/she has to see you again before he/she leaves for that uncharted place.

Would one go so far as to hunt for a farewell gift even when you know you barely know him/her and he/she knows that too?

And it's even more difficult when you can sense a connection you've never had that luxury for a long time.

What do you do when all your anticipation and hopes into getting into a chance meeting with him/her are all you have in this time of stress and dilemma?

And you sadly realize albeit too late that dreams are all you have to cherish those moments together.

(Tiny teensy detail update on the dream that I just managed to somehow recall about. It was an image of one of my current favourite person combined with a disgusting habit I very recently discovered that someone close to me developed.)