Friday, December 23, 2005

usurper of my reality

That's what dreams are. Usurpers of the real life that takes away the somewhat exciting moments of undiscovered and unforeseen future situations that you can remotely predict will happen.

It was a dream unlike any other. Aren't they all? Concurrent to the real events in my life as told in this recent post, the dream last night has me renewing my passport and applying for my student visa at the same time. I don't know if you can actually do that, but the heck with reality in dream world as always. In this situation, the officer was giving me a really hard time and badmouthing me for whatever reason as he was "trying" to get my passport renewed. He was probably the worst government worker ever to walk the face of this earth and I had to get him to help me get through a simple process of renewing my passport.

Then, once the ordeal was over, the student visa application part comes next and I had to get him again. It's like we were destined for each other where he gets to torment relentlessly because he knows I need it desperately and I am forced to succumb to his torture and cannot do anything to make it better. The thing is that I think student visas are supposed to be done online so I don't know why mine was being processed manually by the fictional arsehole.

In the end, I do not know what happened to my visa but that was probably the most annoying, torturous and relatively 'civilised' scary dream that I've ever had to sleep through. Now I just hope that when I do get my passport renewed and student visa done, I'd get a nice, sweet young lady that won't give me much trouble at all. But everyone wishes for that when they deal with civil servants now, don't they?

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