Thursday, November 17, 2005

zealous subconscious

This isn't so much a detailed account of a dream last night, but more of sporadic recounts of several many bits and pieces of dreams that I encountered over the last few nights.

They were considerably odd and weird even more than before. I can't recall most of them now of course because I didn't think it was that important to record them the first night I experienced them. But, then it persisted for a few nights till last's one. The most significant thing about those dreams were that I think I dreamed up about four or five different dream scenarios in just one single night. Some were just totally unbelievable as in it'll only happen in your dreams while some were just too awkward to describe and felt like I was actually awake.

The scariest thing about it all is that I actually felt like I was really awake the few times before I woke up from my slumber. I just feel that one day I'll realize that my entire life's been a coma-like dream and then I finally wake up to this Matrix-like world or another dimension world.

I think I've been watching too much television. Or maybe just the cartoons.

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