Sunday, July 03, 2005

ubiquitous self

Setting: My room and the front yard.

People in the dream: Me, my brother, a few unrecognised friends of the brother, my college friend, Just, and my Dad.

Event: I was in my room studying or something of that sort, maybe researching for an assignment, and the guys were in the front yard having a study group session of some sort too. I'm not sure why Just was there but he was so whatever. My Dad was outside too reading the newspaper, I s'ups, and that was it. Then, there was this ruckus where I got totally pissed with the "noise", even though now that I think of it, I don't remember there being any noise. So, I ran downstairs to confront them because I thought they were the source. I saw one of my brother's friends and proceeded to reprimand him like a crazy bitch from high school, and he just stares at me blankly, which I don't blame him. I returned to the comfort and sanctuary of my room, where I then woke up, and the dream is over.

Conclusion: I'm not a psychiatric but I think that the dream was trying to tell me that I have to break through my safety zone and confront my fears or something I've been dreading or dread. And the fears and dread are probably a feint or ruse and it is nothing after all in the end. Well, here's to hoping that the dream will make some sense to me in the near future or preferably the next day.

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