Saturday, April 30, 2005

justice and more

Haven't had a nap like that for like it seemed forever. On to the dream of this afternoon which I just freshly woke up from.

It was a dream where I was directly involved in myself and the setting was in my own house. I think it'll make a little more sense if I told you that tomorrow is my cousin's wedding and wedding dinner. The dream had the whole entire extended family in the family's house like during Chinese New Year, watching TV, eating non-stop, and just talking. Except that it wasn't CNY, Justice League episodes were on non-stop, and we didn't eat non-stop but ate regularly for once. Right.

I just didn't get that JL part. Maybe it had something to do with me watching JL just a few hours before my nap. But, yes see I told you I've been watching too much JL. Soon, I'll have dreams involving myself rescuing some alien race alongside Supes, Batman and J'onn J'onnz. Don't ask.

Nothing much really happened in the house but it just seemed like hours that we were in that state without anything real happening. Like I couldn't get out of that situation at all. Then came the disgusting part. In my dream I think I ate or swallowed some food but didn't like it so I attempted to spit it out, albeit unsuccessfully, which resulted in my waking up on my bed with drool on my arm. Honestly, I don't drool. I sleep with my arm tucked close to my head. It was a one-off incident which I do not want to happen again. Ever.

I can't believe I'm sharing this embarrassing part with you but it's okay since not many people read my dream blog, right. Right?


sharontai said...

jill!! u droooled??? *heehee* it happens... =P the dream sounded so "busy"! as though there was so much going on in a flash. dunno why but i just felt that way when i read it! =P

Jill said...

i couldn't believe it when i woke up with this yucky stuff next to me!! so gross! don't know why u thought it felt busy but i actually remember feeling kinda buzzed and busy during the dream too. even though it didn't seem busy at all and no one was really doing anything.