Saturday, December 25, 2004

vision or dream?

I saw it like it happened right there and then, yet it didn't happen.
Well, the new Harry Potter book, sixth book, titled "HP & the Half-Blood Prince" has been announced by J.K. Rowling that she has completed it and will be on sale at book stores world wide come July 16th 2005. This brings me to my dream . . . or vision.
It happened just a few seconds before I woke up from my slumber. I was reading the third chapter of the sixth book, which was aptly named "Hermione's Choice". My eyes barely scanned the first page of this chapter but I could make out that someone was planning a party and that McGonagall was there as well. I think she was reprimanding someone or speaking very harshly at someone. So, yeah. Right after that I woke up.
Wouldn't it be creepy if something like that actually happened in the book itself? It would be immensely strange that I get these erratic and random dreams or visions if it really came true. But I'd rather not hold my breath.

1 comment:

Elaine said...

If you're interested in dream intepretation, which I happen to be semi-obsessed with:


yeap... it's really quite interesting.